It's been nearly 7 years since my expense account invoices and calculator spent some serious quality time together.
I worked very hard not to make any major changes to my prices through the recession and for the years of recovery immediately following.
And now I can't put it off any longer.
I'm here to break the news-- prices are going up.
Normally, I don't feel compelled to make a big deal about price increases. They happen all the time in every industry. Restaurants, grocery stores, and gas stations adjust prices constantly without notice. We've all learned to look before we purchase in those industries.
People, unfortunately, take their salon services for granted. They get used to paying the same amount week after week, month after month, and often walk in with their checks already written. I expect consumers to understand that prices fluctuate as needed in the salon industry as well.
In calculating the new prices, I had to account for the rise in cost of doing business over the last few years, I had to account for the increased demands for appointments, and take into consideration my years of experience, advanced certifications, and other achievements within my industry that add to my level of expertise.
I understand that this is a substantial adjustment to the pricing structure that has been in place for the last several years.
I assure you-- I have done the math.
Please Check the New Prices
All clients will get advanced notice of new prices in person and take affect by the end of February.